Linggo, Pebrero 12, 2017

OPPO F1s: Valentine’s Dream Date

OPPO F1s: Valentine’s Dream Date

Hello everyone! For this special season of Hearts i would love to share my story as for my Valentine's Dream Date. Just like any other girls growing up my ideal Valentines date is so fairy tale-ish like a prince charming, grand castle, fireworks and all but as i grow up things changed as i experienced different kinds of love from puppy love to 'not-so-serious' to now with my Prince Charming (aka my fiance 💓💓💓).

 Image from Disney's Aladdin

Growing up as a teenager the idea of romantic dates from the sweet novels that i have read to the cheesy movies i watched is typically a date on a fancy restaurant, candle light dinner set-up, romantic beach etc. accompanied with gifts such as flowers, chocolates etc. , well as for me during my younger years mostly i have experienced dates on a restaurant or just a simple mall or movie out. I get used to it as i am already expecting an 'ordinary' date year per year, well not to underestimate those moments it was fun and romantic though *wink*. 

 Image from GettyImages

Image from GettyImages

Everything that i have known as an ideal date was changed when i met my ex-bf (well now my fiance 😍). We started as great friends as we got introduced by her bestfriend and both of us our working during that time under one company. Honestly we do have a lot of common interest like traveling, eating to different restaurants, hanging out with friends, and shopping but we do have a lot of differences too but those challenges made our relationship to be more stronger.

Me and my fiance on one of our travels (Seoul, S.Korea)

Picture from one of our travels in Oslob, Cebu
Years passed and we decided (together with our family's blessing of course) to live in together and have a place nearer to our workplace for convenience and to start investing on our own place for the future. Being independent and away to our parents was tough at first but it also made a way for us to learn on being independent and for us to have more time together. I can say he is more into doing the household chores (well okay 'most' 😉) but now i appreciate him more because even if he is busy with his work and chores he still manages to make sweet gestures to me, just like he is still courting me *blush*. 

This is a video is our engagement video and was edited by my fiance. Enjoy :-)

Things have changed through time, now that we need to save more money for the wedding and the current utilities and payables for the house. Even our Valentines dates have changed, from a romantic restaurant date to a sweet candle light dinner date at home (with his signature pasta dish) and also from a movie house date night to a DVD stay-cation movie night. I don't have any regrets on this but as times passed i have realized that its not the fancy restaurants or even the expensive gifts that is important during Valentine's day, it is to be with the person that loves you unconditionally and accepting all your imperfections genuinely.

A snapshot of our date last Valentine's date at home

Valentine's day is not just for couples but also to our friends and family that loves and support us ,and with this special season of hearts I would like to say that I am thankful to my fiance for all the love, patience and making me believe that a Prince Charming truly exists... in a different way and this is my Valentine's Dream Date.

Image to one of our travels in Korea

Our Valentine's date and future travels would be more perfect if we can capture it with a great camera phone with impressive specs but with a pinoy-friendly price. Goodthing we have an OPPO F1s on our market today, with its features like selfie panorama to its 16MP front camera, you can never go wrong with it and a 13MP rear camera both perfect for our travels and quick snaps of our romantic happenings. OPPO F1s also has a 5.5 inch screen and multi touch display just perfect for a mini movie date night with my fiance. It has also a built in camera filters perfect for our selfies and snapshots just like our favorite Cafe, Candy and Bright filters. 

Thank you for taking time to read my entry. I am still a newbie on blogging but working hard to learn and make a better post next time :-) 

This blog post is an entry for Nuffnang’s OPPO F1s: Valentine's Dream Date Blog Contest.